FAQs: Compliance

Why did I get a reminder to take Human Subjects Training?

A recent update to COUHES Connect provides your PI with a human subjects training tracking tool that utilizes Connect protocols, sponsored awards, and MIT Personnel expenses to monitor personnel that could require training (either missing or expired).  If your PI or supervisor confirms that you do require training, make sure you take the correct course:

  • Login to CITI and take a look at your completed courses in the “My Records” menu.
  • If you don’t have a completed Basic Course in Human Subjects Research, then you need to select one of the courses listed in Question 1 - for ‘new trainees’ – these are the basic level courses.  
  • Do NOT take a refresher course (question 2) – a refresher is only valid if you have a completed basic course. You’ll need a refresher when your basic course expires three years after completion.

Read more about Human Subjects Training on the COUHES website.

Do investigators need to complete Financial Conflict of Interest training before a new award or change to an existing NIH award can be set up in Kuali Coeus and SAP?

Yes, the new CITI training on COI will need to be completed.

Additionally, at time of award, a new COI disclosure will be required as part of the annual COI disclosure, for yearly continuations, Renewals and New awards. The Significant Financial Interest (SFI) threshold has been lowered so will need to be done under the new regulations. For more information go to http://coi.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org.

What is CoeusLite?

Coeus Lite was originally developed for the occasional Coeus Proposal Development user, but is now used only for Conflict of Interest disclosures. Please refer to the COI website for more information.